episode 1: season 1, the training arc
March 28th - 30th at Indiana University Bloomington
What is culture? In textbook definition, we find:
[ kuhl-cher ]
the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.
We all find ourselves immersed in culture in various ways, but what really is culture? Cultivating a culture to feel our 100% in is what we strive for, whether that be culture in our personal identities or those that we choose. Culture is whatever we put back into it, is what we get out of it. We learn and grow from within those cultures while also redefining it.
In pop culture, we observe and celebrate “character development” that often is seen in shows and specifically anime with “arcs”. With trends, utilizing the modernized perspective of growth in oneself, we can emphasize this throughout all aspects of the weekend.
We all seek to learn new skills and find opportunities to demonstrate them. As students, we pursue experiences that align with our studies and help us develop our leadership abilities.
With the Spring Conference, we can provide a space for attendees to experiment in the way they want to outlook onto their own culture and grow from the weekend. Our goal is to cultivate a strong sense of community and inspire a growth mindset that embraces challenges, values feedback, and recognizes that mistakes are essential for learning.
Registration Dates:
Early Bird Registration (January 15th-22nd) - $40 member / $45 non-member
Regular Registration opens (January 22nd-February 5th) - $45 member / $50 non-member
Late Registration (February 5th-12th) - $50 member / $55 non-member
Interested in volunteering and leading conference attendees? Apply to be a family leader here!